This tab allows configuring printer settings and paper options.
Key settings
- Printer to use – select your printer here
- Use Legacy Multiple Printer mode – leave this unchecked unless instructed otherwise by OLTK support
- Papers To Use – Use this table to select the paper/print type combinations you use in your library. OLTK is pre-populated with all standard ISO and widely used American paper sizes. If you need to create a new paper, hit the + button.
- Printer Settings – For each paper/print type combination you are using, use the Settings button to launch your printer’s dialog and configure the printer with all the necessary options to match – e.g. paper size, folding, tray, stapling etc. This manual process is required to use all the extended functionality of your printer.
- Accordion – Print single pages first – When printing a file as an accordion, if the number of pages is odd, checking this setting will print the first page as a single and the rest as two ups instead of the last page being a single. (From onwards)