Hey Chris,
I've found that this is a variable that tends to change each time I'm re-naming files, depending on whether I'm numbering the entire set or not, e.g. perhaps I've already scanned the score, and some of the wind parts, and I'm starting at say, clarinets, it would be great to be able to change that number from '0' to '1' or '8' or whatever while working in the file naming screen rather than having to go back to the settings.
ta 🙂
Oh yep - can see the utility here. The current workflow is kinda more designed for naming a full set in one hit but definitely get why that doesn't always happen! This shouldn't be too hard to add though - guess I'd add it to one of the menu bars at the top maybe.
Yeah that sounds good. maybe 'here' or 'here' see yellow highlight in image attached