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[Solved] Change instrument abbreviations

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Hi again

The new functionality for the abbreviations is amazing, but now, I can't define my new abbreviations for the instruments (for example, tmp instead of timp or Bn instead or Bsn).

I do this: 

Settings>instruments>edit>write the new abbreviation and set as principal (first screenshot)

When I try to change names, it does not work (seccond screenshot)



Posted : 24/06/2024 6:14 am
Posts: 8
Moderator Admin

Good question Inigo! So the reason for this is that in coding the PartAbbreviations feature, I realised that when the doubling details come in from the Daniels code, we only have numbers and a section - no specific instrument. The solution I have come to is that Sections also get their own abbreviation similar to how Instruments work. You can see this in the Sections page. Currently, this is fixed as I didn't get a chance to build the UI to allow changing it yet but it's next on my list. These section abbreviations are used to flesh out the 3 in 3/BCl to Cl3/BCl.

Where this gets complicated is that the BCl is coming from the Instruments. I might rethink this as I can see how it could be a source of confusion going forward. Perhaps there might be a way to specify a default instrument for a section and use its abbreviation to flesh out the numbers. Which would you find easier do you think?

Posted : 24/06/2024 6:28 am
Posts: 8
Moderator Admin

Thinking on this further - choosing a default instrument makes sense for instruments like clarinet or bassoon where the section is named after the instrument. But for sections like percussion, where there is no instrument called percussion, that's what pushed me down the route of section abbreviations. I supposed we could create an instrument called Percussion in the DB to fulfill this role. It feels like there's no perfect solution and it's a case of the least bad solution...more thought required.

Posted : 24/06/2024 8:12 am
Posts: 13
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I reached same conclusions. I don't know if it is very difficult to write the code for it, but maybe a mid term solution is to create the possibility of choose, case by case, the instrument that gives name to the section. I mean, a kind of "main instrument", wich will define the name of its section. 

I don't know so much about programming, and maybe this complicates much more than solves the topic. 

Anyway, the app is working amazing!! 

This post was modified 9 months ago 2 times by Inigo_de_Peque
Posted : 24/06/2024 9:20 am
Posts: 8
Moderator Admin

Maybe this hybrid solution is good. We have the section abbreviations as a fallback, but you can assign main/default instrument for a section that is used in preference. Then - there is no need to create e.g. a 'Percussion' instrument, but people get to define stuff under instrument which feels most natural.

Posted : 24/06/2024 9:34 am
Posts: 54
Illustrious Member

As of, Sections now have Default Instruments. Set a default instrument for a section in order to use its Default Name and Default Abbreviation to generate PartInstruments and PartAbbreviations.

Posted : 29/06/2024 10:39 am